2 Mar 2009

Knit me in Trafalgar Square, London, is an event to inspire people to the possibilities of knitting and the things that they can make. It's not just the things we can make as individuals but the possibilities of what can be made collaboratively. My interest lies in the possibilities when people get excited about being creative and are full of ideas.
The piece of knitting will be one piece that will divide of into strips as people join. Each person that joins in uses their own yarn and needles so they can add to the knitting exactly how they want to.

It should be a great day and your invited and anyone else you know who would be interested! If you have anymore questions contact me at knitme@ymail.com


  1. Thanks for Saturday Kat, it was great fun and awesome the way people just knitted. Especially that Turkish lady who barely spokeEnglish.


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